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CHEC Junior High
6th/7th Grade - Onyx Class
One Day - Monday

CHEC Junior High One Day program is for our 6-7th graders. Our one day program meets Mondays 9am-3pm at CHEC Academy and students take English and Math, to include levels from Singapore Math 5, 6 & Prealgebra. Our JH follows the 32-week CHEC calendar designed for students to have opportunities to explore, learn, and grow, in a school like setting while allowing ample time to meet personal homeschool goals. 

Monday Classes


Singapore Math

Singapore Math program for Levels 5 and 6 provides a comprehensive and engaging approach to mastering math concepts. Designed to challenge and develop critical thinking, students will explore topics such as fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios, geometry, and pre-algebra. With a focus on problem-solving, these courses use the renowned CPA (Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract) approach to build a strong mathematical foundation, ensuring students are prepared for higher-level math courses.

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Elayn Martin-Gay’s student-centric approach is woven seamlessly throughout her texts and MyMathLab for School courses, giving students the optimal amount of support through effective video resources, an accessible writing style, and study skills support built into the program.

Students attend in person class on Mondays, and virtual class with their same math teacher on Wednesday morning. Virtual office hour also available for extra student support during the week.

Curriculum: Martin-Gay Prealgebra, MyMathLab, Prealgebra Video Organizer

Junior High English


Learning Latin is a great way to study grammar once a student has the basics of English grammar down.  This portion of their Junior High English class will also prepare them for taking their high school foreign languages.  

Curriculum: Latin - Getting Started with Latin, IEW - Modern World History-Based Writing Lesson

Students attend in person class on Mondays, and virtual class with their same math teacher on Wednesday mornings. Virtual office hour also available for extra student support during the week.

Happy Student

Study Hall

A proctored study hall gives students a chance to complete some of their CHEC homework or out of CHEC work during their school time in order to allow more time after school for extracurriculars and sports. At this age, students tend to prefer working independently alongside their peers and are motivated to complete more work in less time. 

Info: 561-600-8946

Onsite: 561-679-3648

2101 6th Ave S, Lake Worth, FL 33461

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We are a student tech free Academy. Students are not allowed to bring smartphones, tablets, laptops, computers, smartwatches or similar electronics to any classes or Academy events.

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