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CHEC High School

Three Day - Monday, Tuesday & Thursday
​FULL - 
Registration Closed

CHEC High School is comprised of 8th-10th graders. They follow the same 32 week school calendar as our Elementary and Junior High students attending their classes on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am-3pm at CHEC Academy and Wednesdays 9am-12pm virtually from home. 8th graders may choose to participate in our Junior High program OR our High School program. Students wear their class tshirt on Mondays and Tuesdays and their professional uniform from Flynn O'Hara on Thursdays. 


CHEC prepares families to begin the college dual enrollment process after completing the pre-requisites of English I, Algebra I, and 2 high school electives.


On Monday students take their Math and English classes in addition to a study hall period to work on their homework or dual enrollment class course. On Tuesday and Thursday they take their Science and History core classes in the morning. Core classes are taught from a biblically based curriculum. In the afternoon students take electives, rotating each year. CHEC HS electives focus on 4 pillars: Liberal Arts, STEM, Business, and Fine Arts with the equivalency of 2 high school elective credits a year. Students will have approximately a total of 4 hrs of homework a week from all their classes.

Juniors and Seniors that have been enrolled in CHEC for at least 2 years will have a customized program created for them including on the job training, dual enrollment, internships, college visits, mentorship programs, participation in The Presidential Service Award volunteer programs, Bright Futures guidance, HS transcript assistance and more.

Monday Classes

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Algebra 1 or Geometry

Elayn Martin-Gay’s student-centric approach is woven seamlessly throughout her texts and MyMathLab for School courses, giving students the optimal amount of support through effective video resources, an accessible writing style, and study skills support built into the program.

Students attend in person class on Mondays, and virtual class with their same math teacher on Wednesday morning. Virtual office hour also available for extra student support during the week.

Curriculum: Martin-Gay Algebra 1/Geometry, MyMathLab, Algebra 1/Geometry Video Organizer

High School English 1 or 2


English I students will dive into Lost Tools of Writing’s first book where they will learn new note taking techniques, essay styles, and build their confidence in writing.  They will continue their study of grammar with level 5 of the IEW Fix It! Grammar curriculum that focuses on the editing process to learn structure, vocabulary and grammar.  ​

English II students will complete the Lost Tools of Writing program with book 2 solidifying previously learned concepts and practicing more advanced techniques. Throughout the year they will read and write about literature selections, books, excerpts, articles and practice using and finding sources. English II is preparing our students for their dual-enrollment English Comp 1 and 2 classes.

*both classes have 2.5 hours of instruction each week with their teacher and approximately 2.5 hours of homework a week.


  • English 1 - IEW Fix It! Grammar - Level 5 Frog Prince, Lost Tools of Writing Level One, literature books

  • English 2 - Lost Tools of Writing Level Two, literature books

Students attend in person class on Mondays, and virtual class with their same english teacher on Wednesday mornings. 

Happy Student

Study Hall

A proctored study hall gives students a chance to complete some of their CHEC homework or out of CHEC work during their school time in order to allow more time after school for extracurriculars and sports. At this age, students tend to prefer working independently alongside their peers and are motivated to complete more work in less time. 

Tuesday/Thursday - Core Classes 



High school students participate in a hands-on, twice weekly 75 minute science class covering a full biblically based curriculum for high school transcript credit. Students will complete chapter activities that include reading, written assignments, labs, quizzes, and tests. 1.5-2 hours of mandatory homework is required for this class. Parents will buy the curriculum for the year. Class and lab materials are included in tuition. 

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High school students participate in an engaging, discussion based, twice weekly history class covering a full Biblically based curriculum. There is 1.5-2 hours of mandatory homework for this class. Options are available for HS students to take a corresponding CLEP exam at the end of the year at Palm Beach State University. 

Tuesday/Thursday - High School Electives


  • Personal Finance

  • Entrepreneurship

  • MS Office

  • Career Readiness

The CHEC Business pillar of our HS electives will expose students to many topics throughout the year that will be useful in their personal life, professional life, college life and financial life. 

Liberal Arts

  • Debate

  • Public Speaking

  • Test Prep

  • Literature (every cycle year)

Our Liberal Arts pillar dives into 2 classic literature books along with many topics across communication. Elevator pitches, resume writing, persuasive essays, test prep, interview role play sessions and personal development.


  • Website Design

  • Typing

  • Photography

The STEM pillar prepares students to the world of technology beyond personal use. They will take different classes each year in their STEM cycle designed to provide them a well rounded exposure to professional aspects of STEM concepts.

Fine Arts

  • L.I.F.E in Theatre (every cycle year)

  • Sports

High School students actively put on a full musical every year in the spring.They participate in the whole process of the theatrical production. Not only is theater an incredible tool for teaching many useful life skills, it is often the fondest memory people hold from their own high school experiences. 

CHEC Yearly Cycles

Cycle A (2024-2025)


Science -  Life Science I - Botany, Zoology, Ecology with 2 hours of homework a week assigned to complete biblically based curriculum

Literature - In their History curriculum they will study 4 literature books

History - Ancient history with 2 hours of homework a week assigned to complete a full curriculum. 


Math - Parents choose and use a full math curriculum at home. Algebra I, Geometry and Algebra II recommended.

Language Arts - Parents choose and use a full language arts curriculum at home

SAT/ACT test prep - Starting in 8th grade students should be using a test prep program such as College Prep Genius


Cycle B


Science - Earth Science - Geology, Oceanography, Meteorology, Paleontology with 2 hours of homework a week assigned

to complete a full biblically based curriculum 

Literature - In their History curriculum they will study 4 literature books that correlate with their history studies.  

History- Medieval with 2 hours of homework a week assigned to complete a full biblically based curriculum. 


Math - Parents choose and use a full math curriculum at home. Algebra I, Geometry and Algebra II recommended.

Language Arts - Parents choose and use a full language arts curriculum at home

SAT/ACT test prep - Starting in 8th grade students should be using a test prep program such as College Prep Genius

Cycle C


Science - Physical Science - Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy with 2 hours of homework a week assigned to complete a full biblically based curriculum

Literature - In their History curriculum they will study 4 literature books

History -  Early Modern with 2 hours of homework a week assigned to complete a full biblically based curriculum 


Math - Parents choose and use a full math curriculum at home. Algebra I, Geometry and Algebra II recommended.

Language Arts - Parents choose and use a full language arts curriculum at home

SAT/ACT test prep - Starting in 8th grade students should be using a test prep program such as College Prep Genius

Cycle D


Science - Life Science II - Biology with 2 hours of homework a week assigned to complete a full biblically based curriculum 

Literature - In their History curriculum they will study 4 literature books

History -  Modern with 2 hours of homework a week assigned to complete a full biblically based curriculum. 


Math - Parents choose and use a full math curriculum at home. Algebra I, Geometry and Algebra II recommended.

Language Arts - Parents choose and use a full language arts curriculum at home

SAT/ACT test prep - Starting in 8th grade, students interested in college should be using a test prep program such as College Prep Genius or taking a local SAT/ACT prep class

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